Former Indian tennis star Sania Mirza has announced her upcoming Hajj pilgrimage, expressing deep gratitude for this sacred opportunity. Sharing her excitement on Instagram, Sania, the former wife of cricketer Shoaib Malik, conveyed her anticipation for the spiritual journey to Makkah.
In her heartfelt message, Sania wrote, “As I prepare for this transformative experience, I humbly seek forgiveness for any wrongdoings and shortcomings.” She expressed a profound sense of thankfulness, stating, “My heart is filled with gratitude for this chance to seek redemption and spiritual renewal.”
Sania shared her hopes for the pilgrimage, praying, “May Allah accept my prayers and guide me on this blessed path. I feel deeply fortunate and immensely grateful.” She also requested her followers to keep her in their thoughts and prayers as she embarks on what she described as a “journey of a lifetime.” Sania hopes the experience will enrich her spirituality and make her a better person.
Notably, Sania’s sister Anam Mirza and brother-in-law Muhammad Asaduddin will also be joining her on the pilgrimage, making it a significant family journey.