Rakhi Sawant, Indian Bollywood actress challenges Lollywood actress Hania Aamir, and dancers Deedar and Nargis to a dance-off.
Rakhi Sawant, India’s controversy queen has challenged Hania Aamir, Deedar and Nargis to compete with her on the floor.
She claimed that she can beat them all off, even on Pakistani songs.
Rakhi declared herself as the no. one item girl of the Bollywood industry.
She added on that the is the Queen of the Indian reality shows as well.
She said that she is Rakhi Sawant and her second name is taking and giving challenges.
Rakhi challenged the Pakistani actresses while speeking to Murtaza Views.
Rakhi added on that she she can beat any diva be it in reality show world or be it a dancing stage. She claimed to slay it all.
She claimed that she can set the floor on fire for 24 hours straight.
Nargis and Deedar have not yet responded to Rakhi. However, Hania Aamir has responded to Rakhi in a candid way.
Hania Aamir responded to Rakhi by posting an instagram reel on a lighter note.
Hania has recently gained a lot of attention in India. Indian audiance shows immense appreciation towards her.
She iconically praised Rakhi by posting an instagram reel on Rakhi’s own voiceover, appreciating her.