The government of Punjab has announced a public holiday in Lahore on Monday, August 26, 2024, celebrating the 981st Annual Urs of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh (RA).
The advisory was sent out on Tuesday by the Department of Services and General Administration (Welfare Wing). All Lahore government offices are closed on this holiday, with the exception of the Punjab Civil Secretariat, its Attached Departments, and its Regional Offices.
The three-day Urs festivities for the great saint Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajveri (RA) are set for August 24–26.
The Auqaf Department has made extensive plans, allocating Rs13.5 million for langar and related activities.
The Auqaf Secretary spoke to the media on Wednesday, sharing details about the preparations. The Urs, which will be conducted at Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh’s shrine, is scheduled to be inaugurated on August 24 by Deputy Prime Minister Senator Muhammad Ishaq Dar.
Special security precautions include the installation of 144 CCTV cameras, a control center, and 18 LCD displays to oversee activities and assure pilgrims’ safety.