Pakistani actress Mehar Bano, known for her roles in popular dramas like Mere Humnasheen and Lashkara, has faced criticism following her latest dance video shared on Instagram.
The talented star, who often posts dance routines, wore an off-white pair of shorts and a green tank top for her recent performance.
While Mehar Bano posts typically garner attention, this particular video received a wave of negative feedback from her followers.
Many fans expressed their dissatisfaction, noting that her dance moves appeared repetitive, with some suggesting she explore new choreography.
The actress’s bold outfit choice also sparked criticism, with some commenters accusing her of wearing inappropriate attire for public platforms like Instagram.
A few went as far as questioning the impact of her videos on her family, particularly given her parent’s potential viewership.
Despite her popularity in the acting world, Mehar Bano’s recent dance posts have left a portion of her audience feeling discontented with her choices.