Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif chaired a special meeting of the River Ravi Urban Development Authority (RUDA).
Maryam received a comprehensive briefing on both the ongoing and completed projects of the authority.
During the meeting, the chief minister approved the creation of a special police force aimed at preventing illegal encroachments on RUDA land.
CM issued strict orders to stop the illegal sale and purchase of land within the RUDA area.
RUDA’s CEO, Imran Amin, provided the chief minister with a detailed update on the progress of various RUDA projects.
In the meeting, Maryam also emphasized on the collaboration with China and other international organizations to ensure the successful completion of these projects.
In the meeting chief minister was informed about RUDA’s efforts to expand forest cover in the region. The authority has made significant progress, increasing the forest area from 20 percent to 35 percent.