Lahore first smog tower fails to function as it does not work effectively to reduce environmental pollution from the air by making it clean.
Research results show that Lahore’s first smog tower meant to lower pollution has not yielded much improvement.
Data from a survey performed by the Department of Environment show that the air quality station nearest the smog tower registered very high pollution levels.
This seriously questions how well the design can reduce city air pollution.
Supposed to use electrostatic technology, the smog tower was set up as a test initiative by a commercial organization.
The research paper maintains, though, that no great decrease was noted in pollution levels.
Rather than the smog tower’s performance, the research discovered that wind speed was much more important in deciding air quality.
The research paper revealed a number of important results. Initially, little air moving in the smog tower greatly hampered its ability to filter contaminants.
Secondly, the research could not definitively find if the electrostatic purification system did any particular good.
Third, though the smog tower was there, polluting levels still in the neighboring region were seriously threatening.
At last, the study stressed that the tower by itself had much less effect on the Air Quality Index (AQI) than the natural wind currents.
Raja Jahangir Anwar, secretary of the Punjab Environment, stated that the smog tower was erected without Punjab government financial assistance.
Further, he noted that the private company in charge of the initiative has been given a further three months to improve.
At the same time, the business accepted the deficiencies of the initiative and said that required changes would have to be taken to improve its performance.
As anticipated that it would be functional, Lahore first smog tower fails to work effectively.