Hyderabad: Viral on social media, video shows a mother and child under speeding train at Hyderabad Station caught on camera.
The mother, according to information, risked her life to save her son, who had inadvertently landed on the tracks; both amazingly emerged unscathed.
Friday night, according to the railway officials, the episode occurred when the Shalimar Express approached the platform from Punjab to Karachi.
The woman was getting ready to board the train when her child suddenly slipped and dropped onto the tracks. She along with her husband and kids was getting ready to board the train.
The mother reacted right away, not pausing for even a second. She leaped onto the tracks fast to save her boy.
Another train was, nevertheless, headed down the neighboring track almost simultaneously, frightening onlookers.
Passengers began screaming at the station, exhorting the train driver to use emergency brakes in an effort to avert a disaster.
Approaching the train, the mother seized her child and sought shelter in the tiny space under the train track, which is meant for maintenance staff.
The train driver was able to slow down the train just in time.
Railway employees and passengers gently assisted the mother and child under the train when the train came to a complete stop.
According rail officials, the mother and child both suffered only slight cuts.
People present at the scene acted quickly and drove them to a close by hospital where they got immediate medical attention.
Everyone at the station was stunned by the event, but relief came, unselfish action of the mother had actually rescued her child’s life.