A female agricultural labourer was brutally raped by two unknown armed assailants during a break-in. Her husband was forced to witness the ordeal, reports say, in devastating assault occurred in Sahiwal.
This traumatic event unfolded at a farm owned by Muhammad Aslam, who lives on the premises with his family.
The workers, including the victim and her husband, reside in nearby staff quarters.
The armed intruders roused the household, confiscated their mobile phones, and confined the men, women, and children to a single room.
One of the assailants then led a female worker away under the pretext of finding valuables. When she resisted, they assaulted her and isolated her in another room.
Following the robbery, the attackers raped the woman in front of her husband before fleeing with 50,000 in cash, a motorcycle, and two bags of fertilizer.
They discarded the stolen mobile phones near the farm.
The incident was reported by Muhammad Aslam, and a formal case has been registered.
Forensic analysis was carried out by Saddar Police Arifwala, and the victim was taken to THQ hospital, where medical examinations confirmed the rape.
DNA samples have been collected to aid the investigation.
District Police Officer Tariq Walayat dispatched a team led by SP Investigation Shahida Noreen to pursue the investigation.