Female actresses are paid less in Bollywood as per the celebrated Indian film artist, director, and actress Nandita Das.
She claims a pattern of underpaying female stars.
Deepika Padukone will always be paid less than Shah Rukh Khan.
An Alist male actor’s work does not pay the same as that of an Alist female actor.
I have a social work background, I avoided movies in my early years, and Pakistan treats me much with honor and affection.
Nandita Das told Muneeze Jahangir, host of Aaj TV’s Spotlight, that the Indian movie Arth is near her heart.
She also remarked that acting bold parts in many movies brought her terrifying threats.
She said we require a kind of peace whereby everyone is treated equally and well taken care of.
She admitted that this could take several decades but stressed the need of still working together toward peace as peace cannot exist without justice.
The Bollywood actor remarked that she finds Manto a great person after reading his work.
Her father’s habits brought her to the idea of producing a film on Manto.
Nandita Das went on many films reluctantly; she also mentioned she never had a love of acting.
Now, she is handed stereotypical parts while young actresses get more chances. Everywhere one have challenges to negotiate.