In a tragic incident in Bengal, a 31-year-old female doctor, Dr. Moumita Debnath, was brutally murdered after being gang-raped. The disturbing details of the incident surfaced in the postmortem report.
Indian media reported that the police found doctor’s lifeless body on August 9 in the seminar room of Kolkata’s R.G. Kar Medical College.
The condition of the body was shocking. Blood was leaking from her eyes, nose, mouth, and private parts, say reports
Initially, the hospital authorities attempted to pass the incident off as a suicide, leading to public outcry. The case gained significant attention after public calls for deeper investigation.
As the investigation unfolded, it revealed layers of criminal negligence and institutional failure. Public raised widespread concern over the safety of women in India.
The woman had been subjected to brutal sexual assault and physical abuse, as per reports
“14 injures have been found on various parts of the body of Dr. Moumita Debnath,” said the report, pointing out that she received injuries on her head, face, neck and arms as well as sensitive areas.
The report unveiled that the rapists strangled her to death as blood was also found in her lung passages, showing horrific extent of attack.
Police made one arrest —a volunteer police officer— so far. The authorities believe more than two individuals involved in the crime.
The investigation is underway as medics continued the countrywide protest.