On the evening of August 8, Bollywood star Deepika Padukone made a public appearance in Mumbai. The actress, who is expecting her baby in September, looked radiant in a vibrant green outfit. She was seen without her husband, actor Ranveer Singh.
Celebrity photographer Yogen Shah posted a video capturing Deepika as she exited a restaurant in Mumbai. Clad in a floral green dress, she moved with care and exchanged greetings with those around her, offering a smile to the paparazzi.
Recent speculation suggested that Deepika had already given birth to a baby boy, but her appearance in Mumbai quickly quashed those rumors.
Earlier, Bollywood star Deepika Padukone dispelled suspicions about surrogacy by revealing a noticeable baby bump during a recent excursion.
Glowing with pregnancy, Padukone matched her husband’s outfit for the excursion, dressing in blue jeans and a clean white shirt, accessorising with black sunglasses and tan slip-on sandals.