The Punjab Chief Minister’s Laptop Scheme 2025 registration deadline is March 16; applicants are currently speculating about the CM Laptop Scheme 2025 merit list.
Over 200,000 people have registered so far via the government’s online portal, and there have been 69,109 applications submitted overall.
The government plans to offer 110,000 laptops with state-of-the-art technology as part of the CM Laptop Scheme 2025.
Free laptops will be provided to all qualified BS (first and second semester) students at Public Sector HED Colleges, Public Sector Universities, and Medical & Dental Colleges. Private college students are not eligible to apply for the program.
The program’s objectives are to increase young economic empowerment, digital inclusion, skill development, and educational advancement in the province.
The government will release merit lists with the names of the chosen applicants who will receive 13th-generation laptops.
The official website will feature the CM Laptop Scheme 2025 merit list. Additionally, students can verify the status of their applications and inclusion on the Merit List by logging onto their individual accounts.