Aslam Iqbal, PTI leader’s, outhouse was found to be the place where a dead boy was found recently, police arrested the murderer in Mianwali.
A lawsuit was filed against people not identified related to the event.
Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of the Crime Investigation Agency (CIA) Faisal Kamran’s official statement today validates that a combined squad had arrested the would be culprit, Constable Arshad, in Mianwali.
Initial inquiries revealed Arshad, a CIA officer, living in the servant quarters he had let via a real estate broker.
Additional results showed that Arshad has not been seen for the month past either. Deceased person was still being logged by agencies.
DIG Kamran explained that Arshad had leased the accommodations situated on the dera (outhouse) of Mian Aslam.
The suspect admitted to the killing and gave first crime scene descriptions to detectives.
DIG Kamran claims Arshad threw the murder weapon into a river after performing the act to get rid of it.
The DIG also found that the suspect had tried to stay at his sister’s home in Mianwali to avoid being arrested.
Government kept their inquiry going to compile additional information.
The statement noted no Iqbal involvement or actions against him linked to the case.
Former Punjab minister Mian Aslam Iqbal has had a long parliamentary career that covers over twenty years.
In 2002, he first joined the provincial assembly.