Reward of approximately $290 is offered to someone who transports accident victims to hospitals, in India.
Therefore, India’s Minister of Transportation and Highways, Nitin Gadkari, initially proposed an award of $58.
However, according to the media, this amount has now been increased to $288. This step is an attempt to motivate people to respond quickly in emergency circumstances in order to save lives.
The reward is estimated to be around $290, given to the one who carries the accident victims to the hospitals.
So, the Minister of Transportation and Highways in India, Nitin Gadkari, has first proposed the award to be $58, but as the media has informed, the reward has now been increased to $288.
It is a move to encourage the people to rush in the moment of emergencies and save the life.
Actor Kher exposed alarming statistics: 474 die in traffic mishaps daily. He said people have become apathetic towards the seriousness of the issue because of this staggering statistic.
To this, Gadkari responded by highlighting the role seat belts and helmets play in reducing mortality.
He also stated that to raise the safety standard, the automobile industry has been instructed to fix seat belts to the rear seats.
Gadkari referred to the horrific death of Cyrus Poonawalla’s child and said that wearing a rear seat belt may save lives.
He appealed to people to ensure that back seat belts are always worn and properly put on.
The minister also reminded the public that though law enforcement is responsible for protecting their rights. He added that people are responsible for their own safety.
This combined effort, as Gadkari believes, will significantly reduce traffic accidents and corresponding deaths across the country.