Let us bravely admit that as a nation we have slipped into backwardness. Too much reliance on politics instead of economics shelved us to utter national and individual humiliation status. Responsible are our own wrongs, playfulness with politics. Politics has its no mention in the formation of Islamic thought system.
Right from Islam’s maiden Madina state to Khulfa Rashidoon (rightly guided caliphs) to Omar bin Abdul Aziz period of management of state and governmental affairs the word politics does not appear in any context whatsoever.
In Islam only two streams – the State Management and Ummah (nation) Affairs Management – encompass all domestic and external affairs are essentials. Hypocritical nomenclature politics does not exist what to speak of its dirty play. The word politics entered the system of Islamic thought and consciousness only with the induction of European colonialism. Via books translation this very word entered the working books of Islamic dossiers. Unfortunate it is that in none of the existing 57 independent Muslim states the Islamic state management and Ummah/nation affairs management are on ground operational, may be there hints in constitutions/collective codes.
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At home, what is the biggest and most urgent national need in Pakistan is the enforcement of Tech/Skills Teaching facilities from the middle to the post graduate levels to pass out technical, skilled, scientist national youth year after year. The urgency of national technical/skills education cannot be disputed; technical education is the only sure guarantee of Pakistani nation’s/youth’s brightest future. And mind it that youth are the force on which depends any nation’s econo-domestic and territorial defence.
Therefore youth tech education in Pakistan is the need of the defence of Pakistan. But what is shockingly unfortunate that in none of the political parties manifestos tech education spread is even simply mentioned. Our neighbourhood footprints are now on the surface of the moon; we are foraging for bread crumbs! In every province there must be separate provincial ministry of Tech/Skills Education and Youth Management as national priority number one. We have already wasted 76 years in mutual heads tossing politics and hollow throat-tearing slogans in streets and plains. Who to end this worthlessness? being suffered by our national youth? National mindedness demands quick decision in this direction.
As massive tech education will ensure economic defence of Pakistan the matter must be given top priority in national reconstruction on ground agenda. Therefore a Tech/Skills Education Emergency needs to be declared and it should be handled jointly by the provincial, federal governments and the Pak Army. Billions of rupees being spent on subsidies should be diverted to tech education national initiative implementation. For tech education، the existing middle and high school buildings should be used.
Author: Hameed Shaheen Alvi
(The writer, a retired Secretary in AJK Govt, is a senior columnist, based in Rawalpindi.)
Email: shaheenalvi52@gmail.com, twitter@shaheenalvi2