As the warmth of Summer sets in, it brings longer days out of fun and an opportunity to refresh our lifestyle. However the heat can also cause challenges like dehydration and, skin damage.
Taking care of your health during summer is crucial to enjoy the season to the fullest. Here are some essential tips to help you stay fit, hydrated and energize.
1: Stay hydrated
One of the biggest concerns in summer is dehydration. The rising temperatures lead to excessive sweating, causing a loss of water and essential minerals.
The best trip to stay healthy and hydrated in the summer it should drink 8 to 10 glass of water is daily and include coconut water common lemon water, and fresh juices in your diet.
Avoid excessive and alcohol and take and leave to dehydration. Remember to always carry a water bottle whenever you step out of your house
2: Eat light and nutritious means.
Heavy, greasy, and foods that can make you feel heavy and cause digestive issues during hot weather.
Avoid any spicy or fat rich food in summers for stop go for seasonal fruits like watermelon and, mangoes, berries and cucumber. And drink butter milk and eat salads.
3: Protect your skin
Summer heat and sun rays in summer can cause sunburn tenning, and premature aging. Protecting your skin is essential for maintaining a healthy glow in summers specify there is a danger of heat waves.
Always applied sunscreen which is spf 30 or higher before step out. Wear sunglasses and a had for extra protection. Don’t forget to use lightweight fabrics like cotton and linen to avoid any allergies due to sweating. Keep your skin moisturized and avoid accessive makeup.
4: Stay physically active
Exercises is important for maintaining health but the heat can make work out challenging. Exercising during the early morning or late evening is good to avoid peaks and hours for stop if you can try workouts like yoga, stressing or endurance training.
If exercise in outdoors stay in shaded areas and keep a water bottle always decide you. Swimming is a greatest summer workout that keeps you coal and fit.
Keep your home cool and comfortable a hot and humid environment can lead to fitting and disturb sleep.
Use light colored contents and keep your home well ventilated. Keep a bowl of cold water or place I have wet towel in front of a fan for a cooling effect. Take cool showers to refresh yourself. Use cotton bed sheets for a comfortable sleep.
5: Avoid exposure to the sun
Sun exposure can lead to heat stroke dehydration and skin issues. UV rays in the sunlight can affect your skin very badly and cause tanning and some kind of cancers.
Avoid stepping out between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. when the sun is at peak. If you have to go out take an umbrella to cover yourself or cover yourself with a scarf. Drink plenty of liquids and take breaks in the shades.
6: Take care of your mental health
Summer can sometimes feel exhausting affecting mood and mental will be. The excessive heat summer vacations and sometimes and bad skin care due to sunlight can affect mental health.
Practice meditation or deep breathing exercises, engage in hobbies like reading, gardening or painting. Spend time with family and friends for relaxation. In store you get enough sleep to feel refresh and active.
Taking care of your mental health in summer doesn’t require changes just some small changes mindful habits can make big differences.
Staying hydrated, eating light and protecting your skin can make your summer enjoy able. Following these tips will lead to a happy and getting and refreshing summer.